Friday, September 14, 2012


I’ve developed an addiction to cookies. I seriously just want to eat cookies all day long! Kristin has to make special trips out to the store with me so I can buy myself some Chips Ahoy or try a new brand of Costa Rican cookies! Yummm. Homemade cookies aren't really a normal thing here so Kristin and I are going to make some today for our families! 

This week has been a little scary, my tía (aunt) came out of her room on Monday night shaking uncontrollably and vomiting. We didn’t know what was wrong so my mom rushed her to the hospital. My whole family was running around and yelling and I couldn’t really understand a word that was being said, so I tried to stay in the background with the little girls. She returned just a few hours later, but I woke up the next morning at 4am hearing a bunch of noise outside my room and I immediately knew Tía Isa had another “attack” so I came outside and comforted the girls again. This time we called an ambulance because we wanted to get her into the hospital as soon as possible. I was at school when she came home, but after having a third attack and laying in bed for two days she seems to be doing much better. I wish I knew what was wrong but I don’t know any medical terms in Spanish!

On Wednesday we went to a pre-school/kindergarten to help the kids make faroles (torches) made of paper and half a plastic bottle. The kids were so sweet!! I was really nervous at first because sometimes kids can speak very quickly but the little girl I was helping didn’t speak too fast for me to understand. Plus we talked about Winnie the Pooh, her stuffed animal bunny named Conejo (rabbit in Spanish), and the color pink! The faroles are for a parade on Friday representing the decision of independence in Costa Rica. Tonight I helped my niece, Valentina, make her farole with my host mom. I love interacting with my family because I always learn so much from listening! This morning I was eating breakfast with Gilberto (my host sisters husband) and normally we don’t talk but this morning we ended up chatting during all of breakfast. He said I was really good at Spanish and he could tell I was picking up the language quickly, I was feeling pretty proud this morning! Haha. He also said that my friend whose name starts with “K” (Kristin) speaks Spanish well. J Kristin and I make a great team together when it comes to Spanish, we can always finish each others sentences or fill in words that one of us is struggling with.

On a completely different note, please keep both of my parents in mind! My mom is having eye surgery next Thursday and she needs surgery on the other eye in January and my dad has a broken kneecap and has been stuck in bed for the past week! 

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