On Friday night Kristin, Hillary and I were seeking out an
adventure-which ended up not really happening at all because everything in town
was closed for some reason. Well, God listens to everything because this
weekend was one of the biggest adventures I’ve ever had. I’m not sure I can
even begin to explain everything but here is my best attempt. It’s really long,
but read it!
Saturday morning we meet at the school and get in these vans
that were going to take us to the gate of the Biological Reserve we were going
to stay the night at. (You heard me right- Biological Reserve…you can tell how
much I’m already just loving this since I hate biology and we’re going to the
middle-of-no-where-Costa-Rica just to look at bugs). Anyways, we get in these
vans and people here just drive really crazy- we’re going all over the road,
semi-trucks are like a centimeter away from us, we’re running stop signs,
pretty much all of my worst nightmares about driving. So we pull up to this
restaurant and the driver starts telling us how he won’t drive us up the
mountain to the gate of the reserve because he’s scared it will be muddy from
the earthquake and he doesn’t want to get his tires dirty. Ugh. And now I
understand why people get frustrated with my tendencies to be clean. Our
professor can’t get ahold of the people at the reserve so we start walking up
the mountain. And I mean up, up. With our luggage. Up a mountain. For 5 MILES.
My friends Hillary and Mariah were walking with me and we were trying to list
off all the positive things that were happening to us. I’m pretty sure we
couldn’t think of anything after number 3. We get to this point where the three
of us just sit on these rocks in the middle of the path trying to cool down for
a minute, although we didn’t have any water left since we hadn’t been
anticipating climbing a mountain. I’m about to cry because I know we still have
6 miles left to go and I know I can’t walk 11 miles uphill with a heavy duffle
bag on my shoulder. We decide to continue for a couple more minutes before
taking another rest when I look at Hillary and we hear the most amazing sound
I’ve ever heard…a truck driving around the corner. I am really, REALLY glad it
was the driver from the reserve because when he slowed down the three of us
hopped in his car without even asking if he was from the reserve. That didn’t
hit me until I got in the car though...slight panic moment. Ronald is my new
bff. Kristin had slowed down with us at that point and here we are in the back
seat of Ronald’s truck, happier than anyone will ever know!!
We finally arrived and I was extremely happy, we spent most
of the afternoon just relaxing but once nighttime came around our professor
started talking about all the bugs. I was pretty overwhelmed and I’ve learned
that I’m more scared of big bugs than I thought. We’re standing outside in the
dark looking at this white sheet type thing that bugs are attracted to and
there’s at least 20 different types of insects in front of me. Kristin has
really become my savior from bugs-one flew on my hood and while she was trying
to knock it off for me, it flew inside of her hood…then today Mariah knocked a
stinging fly/bee type thing off of me when it landed on Kristin and stung her
instead…love you Kristin J
Our professor was going on and on about all these diseases you can get from
insects and I’m imagining all of these scenarios in my head of the bugs
attacking me. Our professor told us a story about how he woke up one morning
with a cockroach in his mouth, and I literally started crying. It was too much,
the bugs are so huge here. We go inside and I’m starting to feel a little
better when someone who works at the reserve tells us we need to shake out our
sheets because there could be scorpions or cockroaches in them. Turns out there
was a cockroach in one of the beds in our room L
needless to say I was awake all night. I’m pretty sure I only slept 2 hours
because the whole night I was just picturing cockroaches in my mouth, scorpions
in my bed, snakes slithering through and flying who knows what in our room.
P.S. we saw at least 4 scorpions that night in the station we were staying at.
In fact, one of the men that works at the reserve showed it to a girl in our
group and pretended to touch her with it, and it scared her so badly she flew
out of her chair and broke it!
Okay, last part of my story, promise! We went to a waterfall
which was beautiful, but the hike was super long and I have pretty bad blisters
from it! Today we are leaving and the reserve people felt so bad that we had to
walk so far yesterday that they offered to drive us all the way to the
restaurant where our other driver would meet us. I was jumping for joy! We get
maybe a mile or two away from the reserve when I hear this awful noise….we got
a flat tire. Thank goodness for Jose (the only guy in our group) because he ran
all the way back to the reserve to get the tools we needed. We waited for
probably an hour or two playing games, but I didn’t care as long as I didn’t
have to hike all the way back. Overall,
it wasn’t my favorite fieldtrip I’ve ever been on, but I loved getting closer
to everyone in our group. I also get to say climbed a mountain in Costa Rica,
which is pretty cool!
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