Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Las Musas

Today we went to “Las Musas” which has a pool and waterslide, a small zip line, a waterfall, horseback riding, and a butterfly garden. We ran out of time and decided to just do the waterfall and lay by the pool. 12 people went so we really stuck out, but I don’t think much of it because we stick out anyways- plus we were at a tourist attraction so they expect it. I really enjoy being with the entire group but it’s so hard to plan for 12-15 people-we had to take 3 taxis to get home and not everyone could have gone horseback riding at the same time if we hadn’t run out of time. I would really like to return so I can have more time to relax by the pool and see the waterfall again; it was beautiful! Here is a picture:

Okay so we decided to eat lunch there and our waiter was really nice, he brought us samples of all sorts of fruit drinks so we could taste different types, but I don’t know, he was kind of weird. He kept taking pictures for their Facebook page and sort of following us around the restaurant for photos…even though the sign said it was “for tourists” I’m thinking not that many tourists visit…Then at lunch this scary drunk guy came up to Kristin and asked if we wanted to leave with him but thankfully he left when she responded nervously with “¡no gracias!” I’m sure if he hadn’t left our picture guy would have come to the rescue though.

A bus was supposed to come pick us up at 2pm to take us back to the center of San Ramon but after waiting an hour and a half we decided it was too long for “tico time” (the people in Costa Rica are called Ticos and they kind of live on “island time”) so we called taxis. So we get in this taxi and he asks us where we want to go and we tell him the center of town by the church. We’re also following two other taxis which he knew so we assumed he would just follow them…but no. We randomly take a left into a neighborhood and he pulls over because he’s confused about where to take us! He was super nice and understanding when we told him it was our first time taking a taxi by ourselves but I didn’t understand why he didn’t just follow the other taxis…plus we were getting charged for the time he pulled over. Anyways he called the one of the other taxis and asked if anyone in their taxi spoke better Spanish because he was so confused…rude!!!! We said “el centro”!!!! How much clearer can we be? I get frustrated when people don’t understand me when I know I’m saying something right but I have to remember that my accent isn’t what their used to, just like their accent isn’t what I’m used to hearing on a daily basis. I’m always appreciative of people here who are patient with us like the taxi driver we had today.

After we returned from Las Musas, Kristin and I decided to go to her house because nobody else was home and we wanted to use the internet and Skype. Of course the one time we had the whole house to ourselves to be loud on the computer (since she doesn’t get internet access in her room) the internet decides not to work. We watched a movie instead, which was really nice because everything was in English! Kristin and I started to feel a little homesick after not being able to put our feet up on the couch or eating yummy snacks while watching a movie. After a while we went to my house because I hadn’t been home all day and thought my host mom might be worried and I instantly felt less homesick because my whole family is so funny! Kristin and I played cards with Valentina and Valeska which was really fun-they both love cards so it’s a great way to connect with them…especially when my English brain is turning back on in the evening and it’s hard for me to think in Spanish, cards are really nice because we don’t have to talk much.
I hope everyday my Spanish continues to improve!

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