Thursday, September 6, 2012


Well yesterday was an exciting day! I was sitting next to Kristin in class and I thought she was tapping her foot and shaking the table, so as I was asking her to stop I realized it wasn’t Kristin tapping her foot and the whole floor was shaking. I immediately looked at her and said “What is that?! What is that?!” that’s when the earthquake really got big and the whole floor was rolling. My first thought was to get underneath the desk but our professor (who is only like 22-25 maybe) yelled “Run! Run!” so we kind of stupidly left the classroom, only to see everyone else was underneath their desk in the other classroom. Thankfully nobody was hurt and by the time we left our classroom the earthquake was over. It was probably 45 seconds long but I thought it felt a lot longer. I knew Dona Mayra was going to call our parents right away and let them know what was going on so I wanted to call my parents to let them know I was fine, but we lost power, cellphone service, and internet. I didn’t get to talk to my parents until about 5pm, 7 hours after the earthquake! Everything is pretty slow here-if there is a thunderstorm (which happens almost daily) most houses lose internet connection for a few hours, which can be kind of irritating when you’re trying to do homework. I guess there was another aftershock earthquake last night because everything on my dresser was knocked over, but I don’t think it was very big because I didn’t even wake up for it. Speaking of waking up, my wall is connected to the neighbors garage-who apparently has some type of hobby that includes drilling and using hammers at 6am every morning. This morning it scared me so bad I jumped out of bed! Sleeping in isn’t really a thing here-my whole family is up by 5:30 running around and yelling and laughing. I put my pillow over my head until 7:15 though J

Anyways, after school yesterday we had salsa dance lessons! It was so fun and now when we go out on the weekends I will finally know how to do a basic salsa step haha. First we learned the step and practiced on our own, and then we got to practice with partners…There’s 13 girls and 1 boy on our trip (and Jose wasn’t even there yesterday) so lucky me, I got to be the boy the whole time since I’m so tall. We are getting dance lessons once a week for the entire month of September, I think next week we learn merengue (sp?)

Kristin’s house didn’t have any power after the earthquake so we decided to go be adventurous and try some new food in the city…we ended up at a pizza place J it was sooo good though!! That was probably the best part of my day, the guy pizzeria turned on some American music as soon as we walked in, so we got to eat pizza and listen to country music, two of my favorite things ever. J

Just when I think I’m finally about to have a normal day!
Thanks for all your concern about the earthquake! ¡Adios!

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